Tuesday, June 2, 2015

What causes HNP ?

What causes HNP ?

The HNP cause of various kinds. Risk factors include smoking, prolonged coughing, sitting the wrong way, driving too often, the wrong way of lifting, etc. As we get older, the discs ability to perform its functions also decline. The above factors may cause herniation, namely the release of an organ through a slit in the body. Can be seen in the picture below that the nucleus pulposus is out of the bearing through the bearing wall through the bearing wall weak, the nucleus pulposus into the vertebral cavity; this situation is called a herniated nucleus pulpolus (HNP). Depending on the size, HNP can cause pressure on the spinal cord the peripheral nerves.

Clinical Symptoms

HNP clinical symptoms vary depending on the location. HNP in the neck area commonly cause symptoms of pain when actuated neck, neck pain in the ear or around the shoulder blades, and pain radiating to the shoulder, upper arm, forearm and fingers. In addition to pain, can also be found tingling and thick in the area that is roughly equal to the pain. In the lower back area, the clinical symptoms resemble HNP HNP neck. The pain felt in the lumbar region, buttocks and propagates in the direction of the calf and foot. Often also feels a tingling sensation and thick on one or both lower limbs.

The symptoms are commonly arise HNP slowly and increasingly felt great when sitting or standing for long periods, at night, after walking a while, when coughing or sneezing, and when it was bent back toward the front. Clinical symptoms in each patient varies depending on the location and the angle..

HNP on the lower back in the area called L1-L2 and L2-L3 causing pain and bold on the front-side outer thigh. Also can occur weakness of the muscles to move the hip to the stomach. HNP in this area are rare compared to the lower back region another.

HNP in the L3-L4 cause pain in the buttocks, outer side of the thigh and calf front side. Thick taste or tingling may be felt on the front side of the calf.

The L4-L5 regions, HNP cause pain in the buttocks, the back side of the thighs, the calves until the front outer samoing instep area.

While the L5-S1 HNP resulting pain in the buttocks, the back side of the thigh and calf to the heel and sole of the foot. Thick taste and tingling felt in the calf area until the soles of the feet. HNP in both these areas (ie, L4-L5 and L5-S1) is most common.

In the extreme case, HNP in the back bwah can cause suppression of a group of nerve fibers called "cauda equina" (Latin meaning "horse's tail"). HNP is referred to as a "cauda equina syndrome" symptoms of pain, numbness, thick cedar, as well as weakness or paralysis of the legs.

These symptoms are also accompanied by an inability to hold urine (wetting) and defecation. This syndrome is a condition that is serious and serious, and requires immediate surgery.

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